
Welcome to my personal blog. This thing is just for fun, and is here to help me hone my writing skills and learn more about myself. I hear writing is good therapy. If there happen to be any readers out there, hopefully they get something out of following along too.

While I make websites for a living, this site isn’t really about programming or code. It also isn’t meant to be a portfolio. I’ll try not to delve into technical talks unless they are essential to broaching a broader subject.

At the risk of alienating or offending some people, please be forewarned that those three topics you should never talk about at a party (sex, politics and religion) are all things that may come in over the transom. The rest should by pretty PG—good food, gadgetry, entertainment, etc.

Whatever the topic, I hope you enjoying reading some of my weirdo ramblings, and if you connect with anything here, I hope you post some comments of your own. Thanks for reading.

— Josh


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Here it is. The latest in my random musings. Read on and feel free to join in the conversation.

Projector and light waves relate the spread of information via fiber optics or the movies.

Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know

I live in Birmingham, Alabama. Places are spread out here. It isn’t uncommon for people to drive 20 to 30 minutes to work, a shopping mall or a movie theater. …

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About Me

Call me Josh. I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. I started playing video games when I was five, and that passion shaped a lot of my life. Aside from techie hobbies, my personality islands are mainly friendship, family and faith. My only time spent living abroad was in Orlando, Florida while I earned a degree in computer animation from Full Sail University. Now I am a thirty something, web developer with a love for music, art and just about any form of digital entertainment.

Most of what I know about myself is from the lens of Myers-Briggs / Socionic / Carl Jung college assignments. Like Robin Williams, I’m an ENFP. Having aged a little, I question how well even modern day personality tests model my psyche. Boy & Bear has a great song that simply says, “I’m a stranger to my nature.” And in Mad Men, Burt Cooper, the worldly and reclusive sage quotes a Japanese adage, “A man is whatever room he is in.” My memory isn’t the best. I guess I am writing to create a record, to become less a stranger to myself and to connect with other people.

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